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Latte macchiato

KitchenAid Chef

A delight for makers, this drink is the result of hot milk and creamy milk foam with the richness of Espresso!


Latte macchiato

KitchenAid Chef

A delight for makers, this drink is the result of hot milk and creamy milk foam with the richness of Espresso!




130 ml milk

25 ml (1 shot) espresso

cocoa or cinnamon powder


Step by step

  1. Latte Macchiato means "marked" or "stained" milk in Italian. When pouring the Espresso into the glass, you should end up with a beautiful 3 layered drink, as the Espresso should float above the milk and below the milk foam. A Latte Macchiato uses the same ingredient proportions as a Cappuccino but they are added in a different order.

  2. Froth the milk into a "microfoam" that is nearly double the volume of the original milk, using the steam wand.

  3. Prepare the shot of Espresso in your favourite cup.

  4. Pour the milk into a tall heatproof glass, using a spoon to keep the foam from falling in. Once the milk is poured, spoon the foam on top of it.

  5. The Espresso shot should carefully be poured into the center of the frothed milk. Pour gently so as to create a layer of espresso below the foam, without it mixing into the hot milk.

  6. For a dairy free option, use oat milk.

DEC24 - D2C PDP banner - Espresso exploration kits (semi auto)

Receive the KitchenAid x illy Espresso Exploration Kit

with the purchase of a KitchenAid Espresso Machine (worth up to £100) containing a removable bean hopper with lid, a milk container with hose and lid, as well as 3 cans of illy coffee beans (Classico, Decaf & Brazil).