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Turnip and beetroot carpaccio with anchovy and almonds pesto sauce

KitchenAid Chef

Import-Recipe - Turnip and beetroot carpaccio with anchovy and almonds pesto sauce

Turnip and beetroot carpaccio with anchovy and almonds pesto sauce

KitchenAid Chef




50 g shaved parmesan cheese

1 turnip

2 beetroots

25 g almond flour

1 tsp anchovy paste

1 tsp chopped parsley

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

pinch ground black pepper

Step by step

  1. Attach the Food processor to the KitchenAid Stand Mixer with the Fine Shredding Disc inserted.

  2. Turn Speed Control Lever to 3 and grate the cubed parmesan. Press with the food pusher if necessary.

  3. Wash and rinse carefully the turnips and beetroot to remove any trace of soil.

  4. Remove the Fine Shredding Disc and replace it with the Slicing Disc setting the external adjustable control lever to thin slices.

  5. Place a bowl beneath the attachment, Turn Speed Control Lever to 4 then insert the vegetables, gently pressing with the food pusher if necessary.

  6. In a small bowl combine the anchovy paste with the almond flour, 4 tablespoons of oil and the chopped parsley, mix well.

  7. Divide evenly onto 4 plates and sprinkle with the shaved parmesan.

  8. Serve immediately, drizzled with the almonds dressing and garnish with fresh cracked black pepper.

  9. Looking for getting emotional with this dish? Combine ¼ cup mayonnaise, wasabi paste and garlic in a small bowl and spread over the preparation, then sprinkle with grounded hazelnuts.