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How do you assemble the meat grinder and sausage stuffer?

Discover how to assemble the meat grinder and sausage stuffer for your mixer together and attach it to the mixer ready to use. See the steps here...

More than a meat grinder, this meat grinder and sausage stuffer (5KSMMGA) can also be used for vegetables, cheese, fish, breadcrumbs and much more. Before you can use it, you need to assemble it as follows.

How to put the meat grinder attachment together:

  1. Insert the grind screw into the main housing.
  2. Place the blade over the end of the grind screw. The blade should fit entirely inside the housing. If it doesn’t, pull it off, turn it over, and place it again. IMPORTANT: Make sure the sharp side of the blade is facing out.
  3. Place your chosen grinding plate over the blade, matching the notch of the plate with the tab on the bottom of the main housing.
  4. Place the collar on the main housing, turning clockwise by hand until it is secured but not tightened. how do you assemble the meat grinder step 1 and 2 how do you assemble the meat grinder step 3 and 4

How to attach the meat grinder to the mixer:

  1. Turn the mixer off (speed '0') and unplug it. how do you attach the meat grinder to the mixer step 1
  2. Depending on which type of attachment hub you have, either flip up the hinged cover or loosen the attachment knob by turning it counter clockwise and removing the cover. how do you attach the meat grinder to the mixer step 2
  3. Insert the attachment shaft housing into the attachment hub, making certain that the power shaft fits into the square hub socket. Rotate the attachment back and forth if necessary. When the attachment is in the proper position, the pin on the attachment housing will fit into the notch on the hub rim.
  4. Tighten the attachment knob until the unit is completely secured to the mixer. how do you attach the meat grinder to the mixer step 4

How to attach the sausage stuffer extension part:

  1. Insert the grind screw into the main housing how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 1.
    Then insert the sausage stuffer plate over the end of the grind screw, matching the notch of the plate with the tab on the bottom of the main housing.
    how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 1.5
  2. Insert the desired sausage stuffer tube (large or small) through the collar. Then, place the collar and tube assembly on the main housing, turning the ring by hand until secured, but not tightened. how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 2

Which size grinding plate should I use?

Coarse plate - use for grinding raw or cooked meats, firm vegetables, dried fruits, and cheese.

Fine plate - use for grinding raw meat, cooked meats for spreads, and breadcrumbs.

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