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The cleaning led is blinking and I can’t brew coffee. How do I run the descaling cycle?

Descaling the Semi automatic espresso machine runs in 2 phases. Each takes about 2 minutes and must be completed before you next use the machine.

  • Remove the water filter and fill the water tank to the 2.5 L mark. Add the descaling solution and follow the instructions provided on the package for the correct ratio. Note: Only use descaling solutions intended for Semi-Automatic Espresso Machines.
  • When the power and heating LEDs are on, press and hold the Clean Cycle Button (it should be flashing) for 3 seconds. The Clean Cycle Button LED will then stay on and the Brew Start/Stop Button LED will flash.

Phase 1 (Cleaning):

  • Place two containers (~ 887 ml each) to collect water, one under the Group Head and Water Spout, and another under the Steam Wand. Press the Brew Start/Stop Button to begin the cleaning cycle.The descaling process will run continuously, first dispensing water through the group head, then the water spout, and finally through the steam wand.
  • Once the cleaning is complete, the unit will start preheating, and the heating LED will blink. When preheating is complete, the heating LED will stay on, and the Clean Cycle Button LED will blink, indicating that it's ready to start the next phase of the cleaning cycle.
  • Empty, rinse, and thoroughly clean the Water Tank.

Phase 2 (Rinsing):

  • Fill the Water Tank to the 2.5 L mark, replace the water filter and reinstall the Water Tank on the machine. Place the same two containers under the Group Head and Steam Wand. Press and hold the Clean Cycle Button for 3 seconds until the Clean Cycle Button LED light stays solid. The Brew Start/Stop Button LED will flash. Press the Brew Start/Stop Button to start the rinse cycle.
  • When the second rinse cycle is complete, both the Brew Start/Stop Button and Clean Cycle Button LEDs will blink simultaneously. Press any button to exit the cycle.

Now you can get on with making your next espresso!

Note: You can pause at any time during the descaling cycle by pressing the Brew Start/Stop Button, and then resume by pressing it again.

In case of any interruptions (for example, low water level or a power cut), the cleaning cycle will reset itself and start from the beginning again.

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