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My Fully Automatic coffee machine is not working properly - what's happening?

The KitchenAid Fully automatic coffee machine could potentially run into some issues.

Depending on what the issue is, please try the following troubleshooting tips to solve it:

Problem Possible cause What to do
Grinder is working but no coffee is coming out Foreign object in the grinder Stop using the machine. Remove the bean hopper and check for objects in the grinder. Contact KitchenAid customer service.
Grinder is very loud / strange noise Foreign object in the grinder Stop using the machine. Remove the bean hopper and check for strange objects in the grinder. Contact KitchenAid customer service.
Bean hopper knob cannot be locked into position Coffee beans and/or grounds present under bean hopper Remove the Bean hopper and clear any loose coffee beans or grounds.
Grinder is very loud / strange noise The unit was disconnected, or the power went down during a brewing process Return the lever on the brew group to the vertical position. Push the drip tray into the normal position. Connect and switch on the unit and wait until the brewing group is back to starting position.
Drip tray was removed during a brewing process

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